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Bile is an important player in the digestive system largely because it helps to digest fats. In the gut, fats exist as relatively large globs that cannot be absorbed. To prepare fats for absorption, they must first be broken down into their component parts. An enzyme called lipase ("lip-", fat; "-ase", break down) is capable of breaking down the large fat globs. However, lipase acting by itself would be very inefficient because these large fat globs have a very low surface area-to-volume ratio. This means that the globs have a lot of fat in them, but not much surface for lipase to work on. Lipase can only act efficiently on fat globs with high surface area-to-volume ratios.

This is where bile comes in. The major players in bile that help achieve a high surface area-to-volume ratio are called bile salts. Bile salts are amphipathic -- they have both water-soluble (hydrophilic) and water-insoluble (hydrophobic) regions. The water-soluble regions are repelled from fats, but the water-insoluble regions are strongly attracted to fats in the gut. This arrangement allows bile salts to associated with one part of the fat glob and then cause the region nearby to break off. Bile salts do this by forming a spherical structure around globs of fat in the gut; this spherical structure (in combination with a few other proteins that get added to it) is called a micelle. By forming micelles, bile salts break up (or emulsify) large fat particles into smaller ones. The proteins associated with the micelle also attract the digestive enzyme lipase, which breaks down the fats inside the micelle into their component parts for absorption in the gut.

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16y ago
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11y ago

Bile is used to aid the digestion process, especially for digestion of fats (lipids) and other dietary nutrients that do not dissolve in water. It acts to break down the food you eat to allow absorption of the most nutritional agents from the source as possible.

Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.

It also works to help eliminate bilirubin, which is a product of the breakdown of hemoglobin- the oxygen carrying molecule in our red blood cells.

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15y ago

Bile helps to digest fats - it breaks down the fat globules into small pieces, as fat normally clumps together within the largely hydrophillic contents of the GI. After the fats are broken down into small pieces, pancreatic enzymes (lipase) are able to more efficiently digest the fat. (As with any chemical reaction, larger surface areas mean faster rates of reactions).

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13y ago

The main purpose of bile is to digest fats in the human body.

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13y ago

bile contain acids that break down the food into simpler components. the catabolism occure....

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11y ago

It helps break food down after chewing it.

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11y ago

Contains salt to break down fat.

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Q: What does bile do in the human body?
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How much bile does the body produce?

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Bile is 85% water, 10% bile salts , 3% mucus and pigments, 1% fats, and 0.7% inorganic salts , thats mean bile is secretion which lack enzyme.

Which region of the human gut receives bile from the bile duct?

The "Liver"

Where bile secretion?

the bile is secreted in the small intestines of the body. from the liver

Where In The Body Is Bile?

bile is stored in the gall bladder. it is produced in the liver.

Bile salts are responsible for the digestion and absorption of?

Bile is produced in the liver and helps to digest fat in the human body. Once produced, bile is stored in the gallbladder and is discharged into the duodenum when a person eats.

Where is vile produced in the human body?

Vile is produced in the stomach, it is often induced by a blow to the head.

Which part of the body contain bile?

Bile is secreted in liver and stored at gall bladder. Bile is alkaline in nature.