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As branching increases, the size of the molecule is more (when compared to its unbranched isomer). Hence there are more number of molecules per unit area / volume. Hence the melting point increases, as branching increases.

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Q: How does boiling and melting points vary as branching in a hydrocarbon chain increase?
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Hydrocarbon boiling points increase the number of carbon or decrease?

the boiling points decrease on hydrocarbons as the length of the chain and the weight increases. the melting points increase with length and weight increase. Hope this helps.

How melting and boiling point varied in a period?

Generally melting point and boiling point increase up to group 6 and then decrease.

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To increase MP and BP point of Zinc u should add some impurities in it. The addition of impurities always decreases the melting point .

Does melting and boiling cause physical changes?

Melting and boiling are physical changes.

Do all liquids have the same boiling and melting point?

No. The melting and boiling points of liquids vary considerably.

What is hydrogen's melting and boiling point?

Melting: -259.14 C Boiling: -252.87 C

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When something is melting its evaporation. When something is boiling its condensation.

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The melting point is 1220.58F. The boiling point is 4566F.

How melting and boiling points are affected by intermolecular forces?

The stronger the intermolecular forces, the higher the melting point and boiling point. The weaker the intermolecular forces, the lower the melting and boiling points are.

Why boiling point of noble gases increase down in the group?

The melting and boiling points increase down the group because of thevan der Waals forces. The size of the molecules increases down the group. This increase in size means an increase in the strength of the van der Waals forces.