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Bromine is the only non-metal that is in liquid state at room temperature..

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Q: How does bromine differ from the other non metals?
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Related questions

Why is bromine unusual?

Bromine is unusual because unlike other non-metals, it is a brownish-red LIQUID at ROOM TEMPARATURE. Most non-metals are gases.

What other elements do iriduim react with?

non-metals like chlorine, bromine etc.

What does Bromine belong to?

Bromine belongs to a group of non-metals called the Halogens

Family characteristics of bromine?

Bromine is a halogen. The Halogens are very reactive non-metals.

List metals and non metals of India?

carbon, bromine, phosphorus, sulphur

How does bromine differ from the other halogens and nonmetals?

It is a brown liquid under normal conditions,fluorine and chlorine are gases iodine is a solid. The other non metals are gases or solids. Chemically it is similar to the other halogens, forming compounds with Br- ion, forming a single covalent bond is compounds like methyl bromide. Bromine- a non metal liquid at room temperature.

Can you name the ten non metals that are solid at room temperature?


What halogens are liquids?

Bromine (Br) is a liquid at room temperature. It has a Melting Point of -7.3C and Boiling Point of 58.78C.

What is the nonmetal liquid on the periodic table?

Bromine is non metal which is liquid.It is halogen.It belongs to group-17.There are only two elements in the periodic table that are non metals. They are bromine and mercury. From those, bromine is the only non metal.There are only two liquid elements in the periodic table. The only non metal liquid is Bromine. Bromine stays as a diatomic molecules.

What type of bond is formed when carbon is combined with bromine?

a molecular bond will be formed as both, carbon and bromine are non metals

Is non metals liquid at room temperature?

bromine[Br] and Mercury[Hg]

How many non metals are liquid at room temperature and what are they?

Just one, bromine