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Many colors reflect human behavior. However, mostly this is learned subconsciously due to what society associates with each color. Hence, blue tends to be both soothing and masculine. Red tends to evoke a warning response, or heightened awareness, etc. You will find that in many cultures where color schemes are reversed, their impact on behavior is reversed as well. For example, in South Africa, red is the color of mourning, and so it evokes feelings of sadness or grief (i.e. as does black in America). In India, red is associated with purity, whereas white is symbolic of purity in America.

Below is a list of colors and the symbolism they hold for a variety of cultures:

Many colors tend to gain a personal meaning as well as we go through life. In this sense, colors may evoke different reactions depending on the person. Someone who was locked in a blue room as a child may not find that color as soothing as the rest of American culture. For such a person, blue may evoke feelings of depression, panic, anger, and loneliness.

Take home message: colors don't directly affect human behavior. However, they can indirectly influence behavior by triggering emotions, thus affecting cognition and mood. These emotional associations are a product of both cultural and individual histories.

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14y ago
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16y ago is a really good resource for this information. And it's from a reliable source!

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13y ago

Well, if you walked into a room after having a bad day and it was bright and happy would you be more happy then if it was dark and gloomy?

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13y ago

It could be possible, but it all depends on the person and whether their nerves react to the color of the enviornment. If they do then it could also affect their mood.

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13y ago

by their personality, their mood, and their behavior!.

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8y ago

red can usually make you kinda angry for some reason

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