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Commercial cooking can improve the life of an individual in several ways. They may be able to earn money by cooking in a commercial environement or they may also do it as a type of hobby to enhance their cooking skills.

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10y ago
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10y ago

While you can live a healthy life eating nothing but raw foods, cooking allows you to make more appealing food for yourself and others.

Cooked food (especially meat) is also easier to chew and digest and, if cooked properly, is less likely to carry disease-producing microorganisms.

In addition, cooking can also be a means of preserving food, letting it last in edible form for longer than the uncooked form would last.

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10y ago

Commercial cooking is definitely very different than household cooking. First and foremost, the chef has to cook for a higher number of people; depending on the designation of the business... but in genera; terms, a high volume of cooking is required for a high volume of people. The preparation is similar, but times it by 50. There are many tricks of the trade when you do volume cooking, and holding food for extended periods of time. When we say this, it means that during dinner service, a lot of food is prepared, and it needs to have a holding spot to keep it warm... Heat naturally can destroy the integrity of many foods (such as vegetables, rice, etc.

Preparation is key to success, and when you have to peel and cut up a 50 pound bag of potatoes, it is not fun; but with the right techniques, it can be done quite fast. Knife skills also play an important part of making sure that food preparation is brought down to a minimal, since the cooks have to prepare a lot of things in order to start the cooking.

Just as home, it is the prep time that is the most time consuming. All the ingredients that is necessary for the dishes need to be prepped.

Food has to be stored properly, both in warm temperatures and cooler temperature (such as in the fridge or freezer. Once proper cooking is done, the food can keep almost as good as it was first prepared.

The other thing to bear in mind is that industrial cooking aims for the masses... therefore there are some stretching techniques that professionals use to give the proper flavor and consistency to their dishes, without over burdening the food costs that is associated.

It is through learned experience, and through trial and error that industrial cooking is successful.

We have only captured a small insight to the phenomenal world of industrial cooking. We hope that is answers the question.

Happy Eating!

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11y ago

because cooking commercial is very imp factor for live a life

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