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Crossing over is when two homologous chromosomes switch genes. This causes them to become different. Nondisjunction is when there is an incorrect splitting of a chromosome.

These two types of variation result in a different set of genes each time an egg and a sperm collide by chance,

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Q: How does crossing over and nondisjunction contribute to variation and increase genetic diversity in a population?
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No. Asexual reproduction provides no diversity, as it creates an exact copy of the organism. Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, provides diversity by using and combining different genes each time to create an entirely new version of the organism.

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Actually variation helps, because it increases diversity within the population increasing chances of survival of the population in the cases of environmental disaster, disease, etc. Some individual organisms in the population die and some live, more diversity the more likely some will live through whatever may happen.

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Independent assortment of chromosomes, crossing over and Random fetiliztion

Compare the concetps of diversity and variation?

Variation and diversity are synonyms. They mean a marked difference or deviation from the normal or recognized form, function, or structure.

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Diversity is different and variation is multiple things that are different; there can be a variation of diversity that would mean that there are many different ways to contrast and be different from something else. Diversity is the variety of living things and differences between them. If talking about habitats, it means number of different species in that habitat. more species, more diverse. Variation can be inter specific. Intraspecific variation is variation within species and comprises genetic variation and phenotypic variation. Different genes might allow one tree to grow taller or flower earlier, or be more tolerant of drought or other stresses. Diversity- means the different families and species of wildlife. Variation- means the different hybrids of a species.

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Is increasing the genetic diversity beneficial?

Generally, yes. To have a wide variation in a population of organisms means that your population is better able to meat environmental challenges and survive through an onslaught of parasites, such as bacteria and viruses.

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