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I'm not sure about deodorant, but disinfectants literally do as the name says, the disinfect the area stopping germs and bacteria spreading, preventing diseases and infections. Antiseptics remove and kill bacteria and if the bacteria can not be spread then nor can the disease.

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Q: How does deodorants disinfectants and antiseptics help prevent spread of diseases?
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What do disinfectants help with?

Disinfectants help to kill or deactivate bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms on surfaces. They are used to prevent the spread of infections and diseases in homes, healthcare settings, and other environments.

Who discovered how antiseptics prevent infection?

Joseph Lister

What is the role of antiseptics in bacterial infection?

Antiseptics kill bacteria in bacterial infections. They also prevent any other germs from entering the site of the infection such as in a cut.

How do antiseptics work?

Antiseptics, such as alcohol, don't actually kill bacteria but usually prevent them from growing/reproducing. They change the environment and reduce the "food" supply. Other antiseptics can destroy bacteria by attacking their cell membrane.

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From my understanding, it's not deodorants, but rather antiperspirants because they prevent the body from sweating which is one way you cool down. I don't know the specifics of it. Sorry.

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