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ayaw nyo sabihin sagot gago kayo

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Gago karin haha

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Q: How does early Filipino culture affect everyday life?
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The culture of the early filipino in terms of material culture?

They use natural materials......

Is the early filipino culture still practiced in the present?

Yes, Filipino culture is still practiced in the present... like Folk Dance , Rituals In marriage , "Harana" etc.

What are Filipino early customs?

filipino early customs

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How do the early filipino ancestors differ from one another?

how do the early filipino ancestors differ from one another

What deference between cultural psychology and Filipino psychology?

Cultural psychology and Filipino psychology are both subfields of psychology that focus on the role of culture in human behavior. However, there are some key differences between the two. Cultural psychology is a broader field that studies the role of culture in all aspects of human life, including cognition, emotion, motivation, and social behavior. Filipino psychology, on the other hand, is a more specialized field that focuses on the role of culture in Filipino psychology. Filipino psychology was developed in the 1970s by Virgilio Enriquez, who was concerned about the lack of a Filipino psychology that was grounded in Filipino culture. Enriquez argued that Western psychology was not applicable to the Filipino context, and he developed Filipino psychology as a way to address this problem. Filipino psychology is based on the following principles: The importance of culture in shaping human behavior The need to develop a psychology that is grounded in Filipino culture The need to use indigenous methods to study Filipino psychology Filipino psychology has made a number of contributions to the field of psychology. For example, Filipino psychologists have developed new theories of personality, motivation, and social behavior that are grounded in Filipino culture. Filipino psychologists have also developed new methods for studying Filipino psychology, such as indigenous research methods and indigenous personality tests. Filipino psychology is a growing field, and it is making a significant contribution to the understanding of Filipino psychology. Filipino psychology is also making a contribution to the field of psychology as a whole, by providing a new perspective on the role of culture in human behavior. Here are some of the key differences between cultural psychology and Filipino psychology: Scope: Cultural psychology is a broader field that studies the role of culture in all aspects of human life, while Filipino psychology is a more specialized field that focuses on the role of culture in Filipino psychology. History: Cultural psychology has a longer history, dating back to the early 20th century, while Filipino psychology is a more recent field, dating back to the 1970s. Methodology: Cultural psychology uses a variety of methods, including quantitative and qualitative methods, while Filipino psychology tends to use more qualitative methods, such as interviews and focus groups. Goals: The goal of cultural psychology is to understand the role of culture in human behavior, while the goal of Filipino psychology is to develop a psychology that is grounded in Filipino culture.

What Contemporary filipino literature?

Contemporary Filipino literature encompasses a diverse range of works by contemporary Filipino authors that reflect the culture, experiences, and issues of modern Filipino society. This literature explores themes such as identity, tradition, modernity, and socio-political issues, blending traditional Filipino storytelling with modern writing techniques. Many contemporary Filipino writers have gained international recognition for their works, offering unique perspectives on Filipino culture and society.

Who is the early filipino ancestors?


What customs of an early filipino have been discontinued?

filipino practices/customs of the have been discontinued

What are some Japanese influences on the Filipino culture?

The Japanese and Filipino trade relations that began as early as 654 A.D. made its mark on the lifestyle of the Filipinos. The Japanese introduced industries such as the manufacture of weapons and tools, tanning of animal skin, and the artificial breeding of ducks and fish.

Pictures of houses of the early Filipino?


What countries influence the art of the early Filipino's?

i belive... that the filipino had their own art and not influenced by other county