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Imagery is used in text to create vivid mental pictures in the reader's mind, making the writing more engaging and memorable. It helps to evoke emotions, set the tone, and enhance the overall impact of the text by appealing to the reader's senses.

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9y ago

Imagery functions as a way to influence a target audience when used as a rhetorical technique as a visual or graphical element. It can be used as a logo to appeal to an audience and help influence them.

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Q: Why do you think imagery is used in text?
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Why is Imagery used?

Imagery is used in writing to create vivid mental images by appealing to the senses of the reader. It helps to evoke emotions, enhance the mood of the text, and make the writing more engaging and memorable. By painting a picture with words, imagery allows readers to connect to the text on a deeper level.

Identify the poetic device used in this section of text her bonnet is the firmament?

This is an example of imagery.

What is the 5 senses called?

In a text, the five senses are used to stimulate the reader and make them connect with its' contents. This is called sensory imagery.

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Imagery Climax Characterisation Setting Contrast

What imagery of the children of the city answer?

Imagery is when writer uses very descriptive language sometimes figurative language to appeal to all of their senses. When imagery is written well the reader can see, hear, taste, touch, and feel the text.

What the characteristics of descriptive text?

Characteristics of descriptive text include vivid imagery and strong descriptive elements. Descriptive text seeks to explain or describe something in great detail.

What kinds of guided imagery are there?

Some commonly used types include relaxation imagery, healing imagery, pain control imagery, and mental rehearsal.

What is color imagery in literature?

Color imagery in literature refers to using color descriptions in the story to set the mood, create visuals, evoke emotions, etc. A color log can be used to keep track and to figure out how and why an author uses this imagery.

Dialect humor imagery and suspense are literary elements used to create a?

Dialect, humor, imagery, and suspense are literary elements used to create a captivating and engaging narrative. They help to develop vivid characters, heighten tension, and immerse readers in the story's world. Together, they can enhance the overall impact and enjoyment of the text.

What does imagery do?

Imagery helps create vivid mental pictures by appealing to the senses through descriptive language. It enhances the reader's understanding by making the text more engaging and memorable.

Literatery meaning of touch imagery?

Touch imagery in literature refers to descriptions that evoke the sense of touch through detailed and sensory language. It creates a tactile experience for the reader, allowing them to feel the texture, temperature, and other physical sensations described in the text. Touch imagery can be used to enhance the reader's connection to the setting, characters, and emotions portrayed in the writing.

What rhetorical strategies were used in the quiver of a shrub in California?

imagery, appeals(ethos, logos,pathos), and many more that i can't think of