

How does lightning cause electricity?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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11y ago

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cause it is full of charged particles

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Q: How does lightning cause electricity?
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How does lighting affect electricity?

cause lightning is electrical.

Does lightning affect electricity?

Yes. Lightning is a massive discharge of electricity and so can cause damage to power grids and electrical devices.

How does lightning become electricity?

Lightning doesn't become electricity. Lightning already is electricity.

What kind of electricity is lightning an example?

Lightning is an example of static electricity

Can a lightning bolt provide electricity?

Yes, a lightning bolt can provide electricity because a lightning bolt is electricity.

How does lightning create electricity?

Lightning is just basically the visual effect of electricity itself that is produced on you. Lightning is electricity!

Is thunder electricity?

No. Thunder is the sound produced by lightning. Lightning is a form of electricity.

Is thunder stronger than lightning?

No, because lightning is a source of light and electricity. which can cause serious damage to trees, human etc.

Lightning is a form of what energy?

Lightning is a form of static electricity

Is lightning a compound?

No. Lightning is static electricity.

How does lightning have electricity in it?

Well, a lightning bolt is formed by charged electrons and when it is released, it is electricity.