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A dead organisms nitrogen rich compounds are taken in by decomposers or are released back into the environment. The compounds are either recycled again by soil micro-organisms or are converted by detrifying bacteria back into nitrogen gas.Answer this question…

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Q: How does nitrogen in dead organisms get released back into soil?
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What role does decay play in the nitrogen cycle?

The decomposers , bacteria, and fungi, break down waste and dead organisms returning nitrogen they contain back into the soil.

Why is it benefitial for environment to have bacteria that obtain energy from dead organisms?

It is beneficial because it keep the nitrogen cycle going. Bacteria are decomposers and hence they decompose dead organisms. Dead organisms contains nitrogen compounds which are 'digested' by the bacteria during decomposition, after which ammonium ions (NH4-) are released into the soil. These ammonium ions are then undergo nitrification (oxidation of NH4 to NO2- then to NO3-). Following that, there can be assimilation (absorption of NO3- by the plant since plants need nitrogen to produce protein or nucleic acids) or denitrification (NO3- reduced into N2). So after assimilation, animals that consume plants also get nitrogen in their bodies. Hence when these nitrogen-containing plants and animals die and become dead organisms, they become decomposed by the bacteria and the nitrogen cycle repeats itself. This isn't the entire part of the nitrogen cycle but that's pretty much how bacteria decomposing dead organisms help the environment to keep a steady supply of nitrogen on Earth.

How do humans and animals get nitrogen?

Nitrogen starts in soil and becomes useful nitrogen for plants and it gets passed on to animals. Decomposers would eat nitrogen-rich dead organisms and some of the nitrogen goes back into the soil.

How is the nitrogen from a dead animal converted back to thr nitrogen?

liquified natural gas

How does dead organism return inorganic nitrogen back to earth?

How do dead organism return inorganic back to the earth

How do you be part of the nitrogen cycle?

We get Nitrogen compounds into our bodies through protein food we eat. This Nitrogen is again released to the environment by excretion. Also after animals are dead the nitrogen is released to the environment by decaying.

What converts nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle?

okay heres the nitrogen cycle nitrogen from atmosphere it taken in by 1)lightning( its energy causes nitrogen to react with oxygen n rain to the soil) 2)nitrogen- fixing bacteria in nodules ( plant roots which take it directly form the atmosphere ) NITROGEN FROM SOIL to organisms 1)nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil - breakdown of dead plants n animals releases nitrogen to the soil 2)fertilizers - which contain nitrogen compounds eg NPK OR natural fertilizers i,e dead plants n animals release nitrogen , animal urine and faeces release nitrogen as well to the soil 3)nitrogen fixing bacteria in nodules get nitrogen from its compounds in the soil 4)nitrifying bacteria - converts compounds of ammonia into nitrates .. for the plant nodules NITROGEN TO ATMOSPHERE 1) denitrifying bacteria in soil - changes nitrates to nitrogen gas and its released back to the atmosphere

What feeds on dead organisms and puts nutrients back into the soil?

A decomposer

What is consumer and decompose?

Producers are organisms that make their own food using sunlight (photosynthesis) consumers are organisms that eat producers or other consumers and decomposers are organisms that return the dead organisms to their primary components such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide

What is producers and consumers?

Producers are organisms that make their own food using sunlight (photosynthesis) consumers are organisms that eat producers or other consumers and decomposers are organisms that return the dead organisms to their primary components such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide

What is producers and decomposers?

Producers are organisms that make their own food using sunlight (photosynthesis) consumers are organisms that eat producers or other consumers and decomposers are organisms that return the dead organisms to their primary components such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide