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The nobles ruled the society and created the laws.

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Q: How does nobility fit into feudalism?
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How does a noble fit into feudalism?

A noble is one of the three estates. The three estates were the Clergy Nobility Serf/peasant

How did feudalism and the manor system affect nobility?

It improved Medieval European society.

What were three major traditions in the medieval times?

Feudalism and the Church.

Feudalism was agreement to exchange military service for?

Feudalism is the form of government and the nobility were required to give so many days a month to the king for military training/service.

Who benefits the most from feudalism?

the lords, knights, kings, queens, serfs, and freemen got it the best

What were the three main groups of feudalism?

There's the nobility, who owned the castles, the knights, who worked for them, and the serfs, who were basically slaves.

How did feudalism change art and learning?

When Rome fell feudalism took over and the Catholic Church took over with monarchies. There was no learning, people couldn't read or write, only priests and nobility could had any schooling, and 90% of the population were serfs working for the nobility. Art was religious and used in churches.

What does the feudalism chart look like?

Feudalism is ordered as follows. First the peasants produce goods, then the knights protect and extort the peasants, and finally the nobility and clergy survive off collections made by the knights.

How did feudalism link the nobility of Europe together?

The way it would link the nobility was through marriage between noble families. In fact, the Queen today can trace her family back through time and marriages. This method provided that the power stay within the nobility.

How were the growing tensions between the nobility and the emerging monarchies a key to explaining some of the reasons for the decline of feudalism in Europe by the end of the fourteenth century?


How did feudalism evolve?

The beginnings of Feudalism are obscure. Powerful men with powerful armies eventually gained control of the lands in early Europe. Feudalism was grounded on a simple principle: the land is the state and therefore the head of state (the king) owns the land. All the variations of Feudalism flowed from that principle. The king granted estates to the nobility in return for service. The nobility then became the local rulers and established their own hierarchy's. Therefore, the country was governed by those lords, and Kings eventually became figureheads. The nobility granted land rights and protection to vassals in return for service. Those rights descended to serfs and tenants in return for services and villages evolved around the estates. As rights descended there was a diminution of status. To work the land, keep the masses poor and the gentry rich

What does the word feudalism?

Feudalism, a term first used in theearly modern period (17th century), in its most classic sense refers to a Medieval European political system composed of a set of reciprocal legal and military obligations among the warrior nobility, revolving around the three key concepts of lords, vassals, and fiefs. There is no broadly accepted modern definition of feudalism.