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Q: How does the nutrition of Rhizopus differ from that of the tapeworm?
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Related questions

What is the relationship between tapeworm and dog?

No. ----------------------------------------parasitism the worm takes all the nutrients The dog does not benefit but the tapeworm does. The tapeworm steals nutrition from the dog and provides no benefit in return. In this case the dog can die from no nutrition

Is tapeworm endoparasites?

Tapeworms are parasites. They live inside your intestines and take nutrition away from you.

What is scientific name of rhizopus?

scientific name of rhizopus

How does rhizopus eat?

Rhizopus is a genus of common saprobic fungi on plants and specialized parasites on animals. They are found on a wide variety of organic substrates, including "mature fruits and vegetables", faeces, jellies, syrups, leather, bread, peanuts and tobacco. Some Rhizopus species are opportunistic agents of human zygomycosis (fungal infection) and can be fatal. Rhizopus infections may also be a complication of diabetic ketoacidosis.This widespread genus includes ten species.

Rhizopus nigricans in which group of microbe does it fall?

Rhizopus is a fungus, specifically a mold.

Differentiate the microscopic appearance of Aspergillus and Rhizopus based on the fruiting bodies?

aspergillus - conidium. rhizopus - sporangium

What is the scientific name of bread mold?

It is known as Rhizopus.

What reproduces by spores?


What do you call a tapeworm in a dog?

A tapeworm in a dog is called the same thing, a tapeworm. The most common kind of tapeworm found in dogs is the Dipylidium Caninum, which is the cucumber tapeworm or double-pore tapeworm.

Structure and features of rhizopus nigrican?

Rhizopus is the genus name.The scientific name is binomial, composed of two parts. The first is the genus name and second is the specific epithet or species name.

What damage do tapewoms do to your body?

They eat all your food and nutrition.. and grow really huge. If a person eats a LOT and gains no weight, look for the tapeworm. I think you can get them from pork.

What order does rhizopus belong to?
