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One determines the market value of a said home based on research of marketing houses in the surrounding area and price their home accordingly, including or excluding the value of various features of the researched home.

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Q: How does one determine the market value of his or her home?
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Home equity is the unlimited interest of one's property as listed on the market. It's the difference between the home's fair market value and the balance owed on the liens that are on the property.

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In order to determine one's vehicle donation tax deduction, one must find the average selling price of the vehicle. One can use such sources as the Kelly Blue Book and the National Automobile Dealers Association to determine this value. Once the the fair market value has been determined, that will be the amount used as the tax deduction.

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How do you figure out the equity in my home?

All you have to do is take the fair market value of your home and subtract any and all mortgages against your home. This difference will give you the amount of home equity you have in your home. For example, if your property is valued at $200,000 and your mortgage balance is $160,000, you currently would have $40,000 of equity in your home. One can also calculate home equity as a percentage of the property value. This calculation is just as simple: just divide the dollar amount of the equity in your home by your home’s fair market value. For the previous example, to find out your home equity percentage, divide $40,000 by $200,000. This equals .2 or 20%.

How much is the Virgin of the Rocks painting worth?

Leonardo da Vinci painted two versions of this subject, one of the paintings is in the National Gallery in London, the other is in the Louvre, Paris. As for value, that can only be determined if the painting were to come up for auction. There are many factors that determine the value a piece of art, and the market fluctuates. Appraisals also come in many forms such as current market value and replacement value.

What is the difference between market value and market capitalization?

Both market value and market capitalization are terms corresponding to the stock of a particular company. Market value - this is the price of one stock of that particular company on any given trading day. Market Capitalization - this is the consolidated value of all the stocks of a particular company at the current trading days prevailing market value. For ex: if XYZ limited has 1 million stocks in the market which are trading at a current price of $4 per share then the market value is $4 and market capitalization is $4 million.

What is value of homes that have no mortgage in US?

The value of a HOME, that has no mortgage has the same Real Estate market value as one which does have a MTG. The value is assessed by the market conditions at any given time. The most recent 30-90 day sold properties in the same subdivision with similar qualities would provide a current value to all the homes and not just those that are free and clear of a Mtg. An appraiser would give the same Real Estate value to a home with or without a Mortgage attached.

The amount stock is worth on a secondary exchange is know as?

Market Price or Market Value is the price of one stock Market capitalization is the value of all the stocks listed in that particular exchange.