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it jst does lol

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Related questions

What is evidence for plate tectonics?

Coriolis effect.

Do humans have an effect on the plate tectonics?

No. The forces of plate tectonics are far more powerful than anything we could hope to influence.

What effect do radioactive processes have on continental drift and plate tectonics?


Do plate tectonics effect el nino?

It decreases trade winds

Which theory describes the motion of earth's crust on its mantle?

plate tectonics=D

How does the plate tectonics effect the himalaya mountains?

the indo-australian plate is pushing into the plate above it forcing the himalaya's to get bigger because they are on the edge of the plate.

How do volcanoes help plate tectonics?

Volcanoes don't help plate tectonics; volcanoes are the result of plate tectonics.

What is The theory that describes large scales movements of the lithosphere called?

Plate tectonics

What theory states that plates move around on the athenosphere?

the crust cracks and magma fills in the space

Are plate tectonics flat?

yes plate tectonics are flat

What are the huge sections of the earth's crust that move called?

plate tectonics

What is the effect on a plate when slab sinks?

The slab sinks faster and this pulls on the rest of the plate, continuing plate tectonics. Mantle convection creates the instability that allows plate tectonics to get going and helps a little, but it's not thought to be the main driving force.