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Q: How does simile make a sentence more meaningful?
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Read the sentence from Common Sense. Why is this sentence an example of the use of simile?

The answer is "a fracture and an engraved name are compared using the word 'like' "... the meaning of a simile is a figure of speech involving a comparison of one thing with another of a different kind, used to make a sentence more vivid.

What is a simile sentence?

it makes the sentence more creative and more imaginatine.... :D

What is a meaningful sentence using the word 'involved'?

My friend always gets involved in helping others. The plight of the poor will become more meaningful to you if you will become involved.

What is the comparative and superlative of the word meaningful?

The comparative form of "meaningful" is "more meaningful" and the superlative form is "most meaningful."

Can you Can you use the word lye in a meaningful sentence?

His issues lye more with attention rather than immaturity.

How do you write a statement that contains a simile?

A simile is a sentence comparing two or more objects by using the words "like" or "as." An example would be to say "Her hands were as clammy as a fish," or "His hair was as red as fire."

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When he found out he won the lottery...he couldn't have been more exuberant.

Is it was raining cats and dogs and more of the same was promised for the next day a simile?

No, A Simile uses AS (or like) to make a comparison. For example, "It was raining as much as it did in Noah's time."

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How do you use chicken in a meaningful sentence?

Nobody really knows why the chicken crossed the road. There is only nesting space for one more chicken in the henhouse.

Do you know of a simile or metaphor that deals with lawyers?

A simile is a more literal interpretation whereas a metaphor is more figurative. Lawyers are like sharks is a simile. A metaphor would be lawyers are sharks.

Is it true that political parties enable voters to make more meaningful choices during elections?

they help confuse us