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The inhaled smoke takes up space in the lungs which should filled with air. This in turn reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood stream because of space now filled by poisonous gases taken from the smoke.

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Q: How does smoking reduce the amount of oxygen in your body?
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What smoking does to your red blood cells?

Smoking increases the amount of Carbon Monoxide in your body and you have a small amount of Oxygen in your body, so not enough of Oxygen goes to your brain and organs and you have less energy.

How the supply of oxygen by red blood cells to other cells in the body is disrupted by smoking?

By smoking you reduce the amount of oxygen carried in the bloodstream because one of the gases generated by the burning of the tobacco is carbon monoxide. This gas combines with the haemoglobin in the red blood cells in the same way that oxygen does. But when this happens the oxygen-carrying power is obviously reduced. This is why carbon monoxide is a poison.

Why does smoking reduce brain activity?

It contains carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas that interferes with the supply of oxygen to the brain and the rest of the body.

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Oxygen moves purely by diffusion. ANY material blocking that diffusion will reduce the rate of diffusion.

How does smoking reduce oxygen carried in red blood cells?

Carbon monoxide a waste product found in cigarette smoke is more readily absorbed by the red blood cells than oxygen. This reduces the ability of the red blood cells in transporting oxygen around the body.

Does carbon monoxide reduce the amount of oxygen the blood cells carry?

It binds with them the same way oxygen should, but it won't let go. That means that oxygen is no longer capable of binding with the blood cells. That means that although one breathes oxygen, one does not get the oxygen through the body.

Why is it harder to breathe he higher you go?

Because - the higher up the atmosphere you go - the less oxygen is in the air you breathe. Our bodies need a certain percentage of the air we breathe to be Oxygen - reduce the amount of oxygen in each breath, and it soon affects the body.

Why would years of smoking make it harder for the body to get oxygen?

It is because your lungs will turn black. The oxygen is usually at the lungs so it is harder to get oxygen.

How does smoking age the body?

Smoking is like a living near a chemical plant that emits toxic waste into the water. Every sip you would take, does a small amount of damage to your body. After a few years of buildup, you would end up getting sick or weak. In the same way, every cigarette you smoke damages your body. The more you smoke, the greater the damage. Because smoking reduces the amount of oxygen you get when you breathe, your skin will suffer on the outside and become wrinkled and limp looking...but more importantly your heart works harder than it has to, your lungs too...and your entire circulatory system takes a beating. Over time, it all builds up, and eventually will reduce overall quality of life (and it's preventable by NOT smoking).

What are some of the dangers of smoking?

The following are some dangers of smoking; tar, and carcinogen substances causes cancer, smoking reduces oxygen in the body, and it also causes pulmonary disorders.

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How does digoxin affect your body?

Digoxin makes your body to work more in a given amount of oxygen or it make your heart use less oxygen for given amount of work.