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Q: How does sound and visible light compare to origin?
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How do sound and visible light compare in origin?

light is faster than the space shuttle but sound isn't. that's why you hear a sonic boom. Also you usually see lightning before you hear thunder.

How does the frequency of light compare to the frequency of sound?

-- The highest frequency of sound audible to the human ear is of the order of 20,000 Hz.-- The lowest frequency of light visible to the human eye is of the order of 375,000,000,000,000 Hz.

Are visible light waves the same as sound waves?


Is visible light a type of sound?

no, sound and light are very different Sound is a vibration in air, light is a particle called a photon moving through the air

Is thunder visible?

Thunder isn't visible. It is the sound produced by lighting. Lighting is visible either as a bolt or a flash of light.

What are the rang of nonvisible light?

I wasn't aware that non-visible light made a sound...

Why is it that lightning travels faster than sound?

Light speed is much faster than the speed of sound, ergo the light you see in lightning is visible, before you here the sound.

What afre not transveres wave radio waves infrared wave sound wave visible light?

Sound isn't. The others are.

How do the speed of light and the speed of sound compare through air?

The speed of light through air at sea level is roughly881 thousand times the speed of sound.

What types of energy transfer requires a medium?

Its either sound, visible light,xrays.ultraviolet light

What is the ratio of frequency of visible light to frequency of audible sound?

The lowest frequency of visible light ... assume wavelength = 750 nm around 400,000 GHz.The highest frequency of audible sound is around 20 KHz.So the smallest ratio ... lowest frequency of light to highest frequency of sound 4 x 1014/2 x 104 = 20 billion .

Why lights is visible before thundering?

The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound. Lightning and thunder happen at the same time, but the light reaches your eyes before the sound reaches your ears.