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by removing sperm i loose my memory

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Q: How does sperm effects you?
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What soda effects sperm effect sperm?

you jiz more if drink dr pepper

What are the side effects of losing sperm regularly?

Sperm constitute of a lot of nutrients.regular losing of sperm leads to weakness of our body.

What are the effects of smoking on sperm production?

Both smoking is a big reason for the sperm count to fall.

When sperm goes into a girls mouth does she get her period?

A girl getting sperm in her mouth will have no effects on her period

Does pulling out sperm effect growth in teens?

it effects

What are the side effects of sperm cells?


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If you ejaculate quet a lot what effects would it have in your future?

No effects at all. Don't worry you won't run out of sperm when you get older. Your testes continue to make fresh sperm from puberty right up until you die. If you don't ejaculate the old sperm is just reabsorbed into your body and replaced by fresh sperm anyway.

When you use a laptop on your lap does it stop the production of sperm?

No ill effects.

How do you improve the effects of sperm?

Drink and eat lots of fluids and healthy foods.

Taking out sperm in early age has bad effects on health?

No. Sperm is a living entity and regenerates as it is needed, you arent using it up, dont worry there is plenty.

What aer the effects of eating sperm?

None, unless the man has some sort of disease. sperm or semen as would be the case in oral sex is harmless and will have no effect on you whosoever.