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Caste System is a socio-economic system and is not related to Hinduism, in the same way that slavery is not related to Christianity.

It is important to remember that India was predominantly a Buddhist nation for a thousand years and has later been under Muslim and Christian rulers. Caste system survived regardless of religion.


Just a correction to the above. India was never a Buddhist nation. Infact Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism. Their principles are quite different from Buddhism.

Now referring to the original question, caste system originally existed in Hinduism based on your occupation. So we have Brahmins--the priests, learned ones; Kshatriyas--the warriors; Vaishyas-Merchants; Shudras-Labourers.

The whole idea of this system, was to attain your spiritual goal through your karma. So, if you know which class you belong to then there are set rules to be followed to attain your spiritual goal.

However, in course of time, this system has been abused and the whole meaning has failed. Now, the caste is determined by birth than by occupation.


Too many words!!!!!!

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