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By giving the attitudes and historical lessons which we are expected to live by.

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Q: How does the Tanakh inspire Jews in their life?
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How does the Tanakh book inspire the Jewish people?

by telling jews how to live there lives, such as orthodox jews ♥

Who uses the tanakh?


What do jews call their writings?

The Tanakh.

What is the other name for the Hebrew Bible?

For Jews, the Hebrew Bible is called the Tanakh. For Christians it is the Old Testament.

Do Jews call their holy book the Tanakh?

Yes. It stands for Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim and represents the three sections of the Hebrew Bible (TaNaKh). To read more, please see the Related Question.

Do Christianity Jews have the same in the beginning of there holy books?

Christianity and Judaism share part of the Bible. What the Jews call the Tanakh, the Christians call the Old Testament.

How did St. Andrea inspire Christ in his life?

She did not inspire Christ, Christ inspired her.

Can you change this to a possessive noun the pride of a son in his father can inspire him all his life?

A son's pride in his father can inspire him all his life.

What does the the Torah the Prophets and the Writings constitute?

The form the TANAKH, the Jewish scriptures. Jews read and study this in the original Hebrew, for the most part. The 'old testament' is the Church-created, Church-revised and often mistranslated version of the Tanakh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How do Jews believe in the Bible and Jesus?

Judaism has no belief about Jesus whatsoever. The Jewish Bible, called the Tanakh, does not include the New Testament.

Why is the tankah special to Jewish?

The Tanakh is the Hebrew Bible. It is the compilations of Jewish history and ethical framework in which Jews strive to live their lives.

What shall you do with your life?

Believe, Inspire, Achieve