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well first biomass means that energy of source. the autotrophs means the producer, is an organism that produces complex organic compounds. the herbivores are the ones who eats plants.

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Because..they have differ in there characteristics by means of food activities,growth etc..

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Q: How does the biomass of the autotrophs compare with one biomass of the herbivores?
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Taking the earth as a whole is there a greater biomass of autotrophs or a greater biomass of heterotrophs?

no one knows no one knows no one knows no one knows Someone HAS to knoww. It's impossible for nobody to NOT know.

Where do herbivores go in the trophic pyramid?

Autotrophs, being the producers in the food chain, are at the extreme bottom of the food pyramid. Then the herbivores, which are the primary consumers, follow the autotrophs. The canivores come in the next level, that is the third

How is solar energy transported from one place to another?

Solar energy is transported through food chains/webs in ecosystems, as part of an energy pyramid, which has 3 main trophic levels: * Level 1: Autotrophs (plants) fix the energy from the sun during photosynthesis; the energy becomes part of the plant biomass * Level 2: Herbivores consume the plants * Level 3: Primary carnivores feed on herbivores, and are consumed by: * ** Secondary carnivores At each level the energy consumed is assimilated and then either respired, or becomes part of the biomass. Some species participate at more than one trophic level, for instance birds which are herbivores and carnivores. Ecosystems are not very efficient at capturing solar energy; plants capture only 1% of the energy available from sunlight, and far less than that eventually reaches the top of the pyramid.

What counties use biomass energy?

no one uses biomass energy

Where is biomass energy used now?

Biomass energy is widely used. One state that uses biomass is Oregon.

What is one advantage to biomass energy?

Less 'Biomass' (waste) has be put into landfill.

Are trees carnivores herbivores or omnivores?

Trees are not carnivores, herbivores or omnivores because they make their own food through the process of photosynthesis. Therefore they are autotrophs.

Why orparin said the first organisims was heterotrophs not autotrophs?

One good reason for that would be that O2 levels, the product of autotrophs, was not high in the early atmosphere. So, you needed autotrophs to build that O2 level to an appreciable amount of oxygen in the air. Since there was anaerobic life before autotrophs one could be reasonable sure they were hetertrophic.

How can biomass energy be renewable?

Every time you burn one tree worth of biomass, you plant another tree.

Who invented biomass?

No one knows when it was actually "invented" biomass. When u think about it biomass is basically burning a source to make heat. So wouldn't a fire be biomass? If u agree, this method has been known for a very long time.

What are some facts on biomass?

Actually, one interesting fact is that biomass supplies 14% of the world's primary energy consumption.

Are biomass and trophic level related?

Each trophic level contains one-tenth as much biomass as the level below it and ten times as much biomass as the level above it.