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Q: How does the constitution protect the rights of minority classes?
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What two methods did James Madison suggest a society can use to protect minority rights?

the two methods used were the constitution and the bill of rights

What was the principal motivation for drafting the bill of rights?

To Protect the rights that were not specified in the Constitution. In my opinion it also was a compromise for the Anti-Federalists, since this was main reason for not ratifying the Constitution.

Why did Sam Adams opposed the Constitution?

he believd that the constitution did not protect peoples rights as so the Bill of Rights did

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Why were the Bill of Rights included with the Constitution?

They were added after the constitution was adopted to protect our rights

What is the purpous of the constitution?

to protect the rights of citizens

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How does Indian constitution protect the right of children women minority and weaker sections?

The Indian constitution protects the rights of children, women, minorities and the weaker section of it's citizen by considering them all as equals. In this respect the Indian constitution is very much like the American constitution.

What do you call the constitution amendments that protect the rights of the individual?

Bill of Rights

What were motivations for drafting the bill of rights?

It was to protect the rights not specified in the constitution

What was the porpose of adding the bill of rights to the US constitution?

To protect their rights.