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the diestive system provides the energy and nutrition that the endocrine system uses and regulates. the endocrine system in turn regulates the digestive system by producing hormones such as insulin that help metabalize foods and nutrients.

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Q: What are the two hormones of endocrine system help in digestion?
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Controls the body by means of hormones?

the endocrine system

How does the endocrine system help us?

it helps produce crazy hormones

Which system secretes hormones needed for the control of digestion homeostasis and metabolism?

The endocrine system, which is made up of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, thymus, adrenal gland, and pancreas, is defined as the system of glands that produce endocrine secretions that help to control bodily metabolic activity.

How does the endocrine work with the digestive system?

the diestive system provides the energy and nutrition that the endocrine system uses and regulates. the endocrine system in turn regulates the digestive system by producing hormones such as insulin that help metabalize foods and nutrients.

How is the endocrine system kept in balanced?

The endocrine system is a network of glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood. The organs involved are the pancreas, which secretes insulin, the thyroid, which maintains your temperature and metabolism, the adrenal glands which help you cope with stress, and the reproductive organs. Hormones keep the endocrine system balanced.

What is endorcrine system?

The endocrine system produces hormones needed for the body normal functions. Important hormones produced in the body is adrenaline, ADH, insulin, testosterone, progesterone..... The hypothalamus is a very important gland of the endocrine syatem.

How does endocrine system help you?

The endocrine system is comprised of all of the glands in your body. It is responsible for producing hormones. These hormones regulate your bodies processes at a chemical level. It is important because it, in conjunction with the peripheral nervous system (PNS), maintains the functions of your body without relying on your conscious thoughts to control them.

How does epigottis help with digestion?

It is part of the digestive system and produces important enzymes and hormones that help break down foods.

Besides the endocrine system which other two systems maintain homeostasis?

The nervous system, which controls the endocrine glands, telling them when to release hormones The circulatory system, which transports the hormones to target cells You could also include the urinary system; whilst the kidneys are a part of the endocrine system, their other role is to excrete water & salts - the levels of both of which help to maintain homeostasis

Where are the prime endocrine glands in the body?

The endocrine system is comprised of glands, these glands secrete hormones. A part of the endocrine system is the thyroid gland.

What does the encrodine system control?

The endocrine system is a system that is in charge of body processes that happen slowly ie; cell development, digestion, excretion and sexual activity. The endocrine system is made up of a series of glands which are positioned around the body and are responsible for secreting hormones. Faster processes like breathing and body movement are monitored by the nervous system, but even though the nervous and endocrine systems are separate they often work together to help the body function properly.=Hope this helps=

Why do doctors typically use blood tests to diagnose endocrine disorders?

Blood tests help diagnose endocrine disorders due to the level of hormones found in the blood. The endocrine system basically would be showing a disorder if the level of hormones in the bloodstream are off. Also, it could show that the body isn't clearing the hormones out of the bloodstream correctly.