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Venus is the only planet in our solar system that rotates clockwise. It also rotates very, very slowly - taking 243 earth days to rotate once.

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Q: How does the rotation of Venus' differs from that of Earth?
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What is the rotation period of Venus's?

The rotation period of Venus is 243.0187 Earth days

What is the unique about venus rotation?

Venus rotation goes the other way then earth

How long does it take for venus to complete a full rotation?

venus completes an orbit every 224.65 days.

How long does one rotation on it axis take for venus?

The rotation period of Venus is equal to about 243.02 Earth days.

What is the rotation length in days?

Rotation of what? This question was in category "Venus" so maybe it's about Venus. For Venus it's 243 Earth days.

What is Venus's rotation period?

The rotational period of Venus is 243 Earth days.

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that Venus is farther then Earth 243 slow rotation

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Earth turns clockwise yet venus turns counter clockwise

What is Venus period of rotation in earth days?

243 Earth days.

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What is venus's rotation time?

243 Earth days.

When is the rotation period of Venus?

About 243 Earth days.