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More nerve endings and hardened skin due to constant use ie calluses?

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Q: How does the skin of the palm or sole differ from the skin of the scalp?
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Hand is to palm as foot is to?


Does dry scalp and face related to stress?

Stress may be the sole cause or one of the causes of dry scalp. It may also worsen an existing situation. However, this does not mean that in all cases dry scalp is caused by stress.

Where are the greatest pain and pressure receptors?

palm,sole of the feet,back of the neck

Where is the volar located on the body?

The volar is located on the sole of your foot or on the palm of your hand.

What layer for palm of the hand sole of feet?

Stratum Lucidum

What does volvare mean?

vo·lar (vlr)adj.Of or relating to the sole of the foot or the palm of the hand,

What is the epidermis layers?

The outer layer of the skin.The epidermis is composed of 4-5 layers depending on the skin region (Palm of hands and sole of feet has 5 layers)In descending order:stratum corneumstratum lucidumstratum granulosumstratum spinosumStratum basale

What is the thickening of skin on the sole of a dogs foot?

probably bad

Where is tactile acuity lowest calves toes or palms?

Calves. It is highest in palm. Sole come in between.

What is a Soft bubble under the skin on the sole of foot?

it is most likely a blister, caused by running or putting strain on the sole of your foot.

Is keratin found in the dermis?

no its found in the epidermisMelanin is not found in dermis. Melanin is found in epidermis.

Why is there no hair in the palms of the hands and the sole of the feet?

Skin on the palms of hands and sole of the feet lack hair follicles. Thus there is no hair growth on them.