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The higher the velocity of the stream the larger carrying capacity it has.

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Q: How does the velocity of a stream effect its carring capacity?
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How does a river's velocity affect its competence and capacity?

the competence and capacity of a steam depend on a streams velocity and discharge. Because the velocity and discharge of a given stream are not constant , the competence and capacity of a stream are not constant . competence and capacity vary along a stream and change throughout the year.

How does an increase in a streams velocity affect its discharge and carrying capacity?

When the discharge of a stream increases, so does it's velocity. When it decreases, so does the velocity.

How does a stream carry materials?

Stream load is when solid matter is carried by a stream. Stream capacity depends on the velocity, the amount of water flow and the grade.

What affects stream erosion?

There are three factors that affect stream erosion. These are water velocity, shape, size and depth of channel, and stream capacity to transport eroded materials.

Stream gradient role on stream velocity?

An increase in gradient will generally increase stream velocity.

If a stream's discharge decreases how does it affect the stream's capacity?

The capacity of a stream is the maximum load it can carry. Capacity is directly related to a stream's discharge. The greater the volume of water in a stream is, the greater its capacity is for carrying sediment. So if a stream's discharge decreases, the stream's capacity also decreases.

What is an instrment commonly used for measurement of velocity of stream?

A stream gauge is the instrument which is commonly used for the measurement of velocity stream.

What are the 3 factors that mifht influence how fast a stream would flow?

The gradient , the channel roughness, and the channel shape all effect the speed or velocity of stream flow

What factors determine velocity of stream?

Speed and direction determine velocity

What is the difference between stream discharge and stream velocity?

Stream discharge is a product of the velocity and the area of the stream (velocity x width x depth), and has units of volume per time (e.g. cubic feet per second, cubic meter per day, etc). Stream velocity is the vector describing the speed of the water and has units of length per time (feet per second, meter per second). Stream discharge is relatively constant as you move up and down a stream, while velocity will change predominately as you change depth. The velocity of water is lowest near the bed of the stream, and highest at the surface.

When the discharge of a stream increases what happens to the streams velocity?

When a stream's discharge increases, erosive energy increases.

What depth should a velocity sensor be placed to estimate a stream's average velocity if it's 12.5 meters deep?

At what depth should a velocity sensor be placed to estimate a stream's average velocity if it is 12.5 meters deep?