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it ges up xylems which are tubes made of tissue that transport water and dissolved minerals from the roots to other parts of the plant

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Q: How does the water absorbed by roots reaches the top of the tree?
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How does leafy shoot of the strangler fig affect the tree it is growing around?

first They send their roots to the ground, when it reaches the ground it gives food and water to the tree, then as the tree grows it sends more and more roots to the ground for nutrient, minerals, and water. :)

How does the leafy shoot of the strangler fig affect the tree it is growing around?

first They send their roots to the ground, when it reaches the ground it gives food and water to the tree, then as the tree grows it sends more and more roots to the ground for nutrient, minerals, and water. :)

What part of a tree drink the water?

the leaves and roots take the water ^^

Does each of the tree roots provide nutrition to the entire tree or just a section of the tree?

It is the small fiberous roots that get the nutrients and water from the soil, the larger roots are mainly for transporting the nutrients and water up to the tree. Each of the roots is responsible for a certain part of the tree. So if you were to cut off some roots, only the parts of the tree that they served would be affected.

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because the tree absorbed the and the tree will drown in the water

Do branches of oak tree actually their roots?

An oak tree's roots are underground and anchors the tree to the ground. The roots also supplies the tree with water and nutrients. The branches support the leaves and acorns.

Are the roots of a tree like a heart to a human?

Yeah! Cuz the roots collect water and distribute nutrients to the tree! ;)

What part of tree takes in water?

The roots.

How does water enter a tree?

Through the roots.

Do oak tree roots invade water lines?

Any trees roots will only enter water or drain pipes where there is a break in the line. No tree roots will enter a secure pipe.

Why does a tree need roots?

How are they supposed to absorb water without any roots?

What do roots do for a tree?

They hold the tree up and they help the tree get the water and nutrients that it needs.