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cause it is way more simple and it takes way less time

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Q: How does this measuring volume by difference method compare with measuring volume using math for these odd shaped objects?
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HAHA. i came here to look for the answer. After to looking through my textbook a bit i was able to determine that the ramp method is a method of measuring viscosity in which you pour a liquid down a ramp and time how long it takes to get to the bottom, can be used to compare different substance's viscosity.

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Method overloading is when you have multiple methods in a class that have the same name but a different signature. Method overriding is similar to method overloading, with a small difference. In overriding, a method in a parent class is overridden in the child class. The method in the child class will have the same signature as that of the parent class. Since the method in the child class has the same signature & name as the method of its parent class, it is termed as overriding. In situations where you may have to explicitly call the parent class method you can use the "super" keyword and for explicitly calling the current objects method you can use the "this" keyword.

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Say 'emf' instead potential difference. Because while measuring the same no current is drawn and just balancing the potential across with the potential drop on the balancing length of the potentiometer wire. While balancing the galvanometer shows null deflection. So no current flows through the galvanometer. A perfect balance with the potential difference (EMF) of a cell with potential drop across that particular length.

What is the use of 'compareTo' in java?

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