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yes, look at the mini ice age in the 18th century

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Q: How does volcanic ash affect climate patterns?
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Is it true that volcanic ash can affect the climate?

Yes it is very true

Dust and ash entering the atmosphere as a result of volcanic eruptions can affect earths?

Weather and climate.

How do Volcanoes effect the atmosphere and climate?

Volcanoes erupt gases that change Earth's atmosphere. The volcanic ash and clouds can affect the air and atmosphere

Is volcanic ash a concern only in the western US?

No, volcanic ash can affect areas all around the world, depending on the location of volcanic activity and wind patterns. While volcanic eruptions and ashfall are more common in certain regions, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire, volcanic ash can be a concern in any area near an active volcano.

What is volcanic ash and why does it effect wide climate patterns?

Volcanic ash refers to tiny dust size pieces of rock that are blasted out of some volcanoes when they erupt. Along with sulfuric acid from volcanoes, the ash in a large eruption can block out a tiny percentage of energy from the Sun for a period of time, causing a very slight cooling of the climate. The extent of this cooling depends on the amount of ash and sulfuric acid spewed out of the volcano. In the case of a supervolcano, however, enough ash and sulfuric acid could be emitted to cause a significant cooling of the climate for a period of many years.

How does volcanic ash affect people?

kill and harms them in many way

What are two factors that can affect the distance that volcanic ash can travel?

The blast of the volcano, the wind, and how light the ash is all affect how far it will travel.

What is volcanic ash and how does it affect worldwide climate patterns?

Volcanic Ash is the material produced from volcanic eruptions which is ejected into the atmosphere. It is normally comprised of carbon and mineral based debris, rock strata, granite, basault dust etc. This material sits in the atmosphere and actually absorbs thermal energy and also helps to shield the earth from sunlight, as a result it lowers global temperatures slightly when there is a large eruption akin to either Krakatoa or St helens. It is thought volvanic eruptions could actually slow down global warming.

Overall cooling of earth's climate is associated with what?

Clouds of dust and ash in the atmosphere from a huge volcanic eruption.

How do volcanoes effects earth climate?

Volcanic ash can block out the sun and cause temporary cold climates.

How can a volcano affect you if you live 1000 miles away from the volcano?

The volcanic activity can alter the weather patterns. Large explosive eruptions can coat areas over 1,000 miles away in a layer of fine ash. Ash at high altitudes can pose a risk to planes in flight.

How does volcanic ash affect humans?

volcanic ash can clog up the lungs when inhaled suffocating the human, it can get in their eyes and irratate and blind them, it can burn them then infect the injury or it can block out the light and heat of the sun