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the ground water seeps through the ground strata into the subterranean water table

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Q: How does water enter the water table?
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What word descibes when water soaks into the ground?

It is called percolation of water. The water molecules enter the soil and move downward by gravitational force. This is how the ground water table is recharged with water.

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To get from cell to cell across a table as you enter text, press enter.

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You can enter it through the datasheet. You can enter it through a form. You can also use an Append Query to add records to a table from another table.

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How Is The Water Table affected when water is taken out?

Since the water table is just a level of ground that holds water, much of the content of the water table is water. When the water is gone, the water table shrinks, and the land moves downwards.

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