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Operation Barbarossa can be said to be quite an important battle. This is because, Operation Barbarossa was the codenamed Operation for the German Invasion of the USSR. Hitler was expecting to go from Poland to Moscow within 2 months but this wasn't the case.

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The Germans suffered a major defeat and ultimately lost the war .

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Q: How effective was operation Barbarossa for the Germany?
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Who was involve in operation barbarossa?

Russia and Germany .

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Who did Germany invade in 1941 in operation Barbarossa?

Russia .

What was the name of the attack on Russia by Germany?

Operation Barbarossa .

Operation barbarossa has to do with what?

The WW2 conflict between Germany and Russia .

Who was the Operation Barbarossa fought between?

Germany and the Soviet Union

Who launched operation Barbarossa?

Mainly Adolf Hitler planned Operation Barbarossa but some Generals from the Waffen-SS and Wehrmacht army assisted in Hitler's plans for it.

Which country launced operation barbarossa?

Operation Barbarossa was the Nazi Germany invasion of Soviet Union in World War II that was launched on June 22, 1941.

When did Russia attack Germany in World War 2?

On June 22, 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union as a part of Operation Barbarossa. This happened even when Germany and the Soviet Union were in a non-aggression pact(Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact).

When did the battle operation Barbarossa happen?

Operation Barbarossa wasn't a Battle, their was many battles which happened during Operation Barbarossa, Operation Barbarossa started on 22nd June 1941.

When was operation barbarossa launched?

Operation Barbarossa began on 22 June 1941.

What did Germany do after calling off the British invasion?

They attacked the Soviet Union - Operation Barbarossa.