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Q: How enhancement and suppression of immune system can be laid up using medicinal plant?
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What is immune system suppression?

AIDs, I'm pretty sure.

What are the medicinal actions of cuscuta?

Stimulates the immune system and antioxidant.

What are the medicinal actions of chlorella?

Boosts the immune system and detoxifies the body.

What are the medicinal actions of kelp?

Boosts immune system, diuretic. anti-inflammatory.

What are the medicinal actions of codonopsis root?

Strengthens the immune system, stomachic and is an adaptogen.

What are the medicinal actions of shiitake mushroom?

Antiviral and antibacterial agent, boosts the immune system, lowers cholesterol levels.

What are the medicinal actions of spirulina?

Boosts immune system, improves digestion, reduces cholesterol, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative.

What is the harmful effect of ozone layer?

The harmful effects of depletion are: Skin Cancer Eye Cataract Suppression of immune system Dying of Plankton.

What are the medicinal actions of African pygeum?

Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, lowering cholesterol, regulating insulin activity, regulating the immune system.

What are the medicinal actions of noni?

Boosts immune system, anticarcinogenic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-malarial, anti-parasitic.

What are the medicinal actions of Siberian ginseng?

A complex group of chemicals called eleutherosides.

What are some health effects of the ozone?

The health effects of ozone include skin cancer and cataract. It might also lead to suppression of immune system.