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Normally planted in late Autumn ready from spring growth and picking in late may to September the bulb should be in about 50mm depth but have at least 100 mm of soil beneath it for root growth

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6" deep... 4-6" apart

12-18 rows apart

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Q: What is the proper depth for planting garlic?
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How do I plant garlic for next season?

Planting garlic is just like planting regular plants or vegetibles you just have to find the right time. Here is website to check out all about garlic.

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All bulbs should be planted at a depth about 3 x the height of the bulb. For example, most daffodil bulbs are 2 inches tall, so the proper planting depth is 6 inches.

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Depends totally on the seed, you need to also include information on the seeds you want to plant.

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How deep should garlic be planted?

When planting garlic cloves in the fall (the proper time to do it), they should be planted 2 to 2 1/2 inches deep, base down. Cover and tamp down. When planted in the spring (which will result in smaller bulbs at harvest) they should be planted just below the surface. Keep well weeded - garlic hates competing with weeds. And plant only large cloves, if you want good-sized heads. Small cloves make small heads.