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Only 20 miles/32km/32,000m. In Winter you can walk from Eastern Russia to Western Alaska at only 20 miles/32km/32,000m because the Bering Strait Valley freezes Only 20 miles/32km/32,000m. In Winter you can walk from Eastern Russia to Western Alaska at only 20 miles/32km/32,000m because the Bering Strait Valley freezes

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Q: How far apart in kilometres are the two continents which are separated by the Bering straits?
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What two continents are separated by the bering strait?

Asia and North America.

Which you.s. state is closest russia?

Alaska is the US state that is separated from Russia across the Bering Straits.

What two continents separate the Bering Straight?

Straits separate land masses, land masses do not separate straits. You question is therefore the wrong way round. The Bering Straight separates the North American continent from the Asian continent.

What body of water separates Russia and the US?

The Bering Straits are between Siberia & Alaska.

What is a Bering Straight?

During the last Ice Age, North America was connected by land to Asia in the far northwest. Today the continents are separated by a Straight, the Bering Straight.

What countries are separated by the Bering Strait?

The united States and Russia are separated by the Bering Strait.

Alaska and the former Soviet Union are separated by what body of water?

They are separated by the Bering Strait.The Bering Strait.

Who are the indigenous people of the bering straits region?

They are called the INUPIAQ people.

What bridge linked from Alaska to the US for early settlers?

the bering straits

What body of water is west of Alaska?

The Pacific Ocean Thr Bering Straits & The Arctic Ocean all border Alaska

What is the name of the strait that separates Noth America from Asia?

Do you mean the straits that separate Alaska and Russia? If so it called the Bering Straits.

Bodies of water named after an explorer?

Bering straits & sea; Tasman sea; Straits of Magellan; Hudson Bay; Hudson River;