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Melbourne is 23.5 degrees south of the Tropic of Capricorn.

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Q: How far north of Melbourne is the tropic of Capricorn?
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How far is tropic of cancer from tropic of Capricorn?

Roughly 3239 miles.

How far is Darwin from tropic of Capricorn?

About 760 miles

What is the distance of the tropic of Capricorn?

That's going to depend on where you are.If you're anywhere on the Tropic of Capricorn, then its distance from you is zero.If there's some reason why you need to get as far as possible away from the Tropicof Capricorn, then you want to be at the north pole, where it'll be about 7,841 milesfrom you, in every direction.

How far in degrees are the tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn?

Estimated to 47 degrees

Is Alaska closer to the equator of the tropic of cancer?

Well it's pretty far from both the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer but it is in fact closes to the Tropic of Cancer.

How far is the trpic of Capricorn from the equator in km?

Every point on the Trpic of Capricorn OR the Tropic of Cancer is about 2,608 km from the equator. Every point on the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle is about 2,608 km from the north or south pole respectivly.

How far is the tropic of cancer to the tropic of Capricorn?

Close to or estimated to 3239

Does the Tropic of Cancer pass through any counties of the southern United States?

No. Neither the Tropic of Cancer nor the Tropic of Capricorn passes through the continental United States. For the Tropic of Capricorn is found in the Southern Hemisphere. And the Tropic of Cancer is far enough south of the continental United States that it doesn't pass through any one of the states bordering the Gulf of Mexico.

What line has a latitude of 23.5 degrees South?

That would be the "parallel of 23.5° south latitude". The Tropic of Capricorn is also not far from there.

How far north is the tropic of cancer from the arctic circle?

The Tropic of Cancer is roughly 43° South of the Arctic Circle.

Where is Longreach located in Australia's outback?

Longreach is located in far western Queensland, approximately 700km from the eastern coast. Its latitude is the Tropic of Capricorn.

How far degrees north of the equator is the tropic of cancer?

23.5 degrees