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Scientific research has shown that smoking is extremely harmful.

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Q: How has science affected your views and societies views on the acceptance of smoking?
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Related questions

What age is affected by smoking?

Every age is affected adversely by smoking.

Are only lungs affected by smoking a cigarette?

Your entire body is affected by smoking tobacco.

How are societies transformed?

A shift in consciousness transforms societies. For example, as society became more conscious of the dangers of cigarette smoking, cities and businesses began placing bans on smoking in public.

How is the respitroy system affected?

by smoking

How many organs affected by alcohol and smoking?

Your entire body is affected.

How do babies get affected by smoking?

Georga is cool

What organ gets affected by smoking?

The lungs and Heart get affected by smoking. Smoking also messes up the respiratory system . smoking damage's the luges so bad that some people end-up having lung cancer.

Can a person be affected by ice if they are around someone smoking it?


What percentage of young people are affected by smoking?

plenty noe but i think it is about 20% of young people are affected in Victoria

What is a science experiment for smoking?

knowing how to make it and knowing if it is healthy or not

When does cilia do not resume proper function after smoking?

Your cilia do not get affected by the occasional smoking. Cilia are affected in chronic smokers. But then there is probably nothing like occasional smoking. You are either a chronic smoker or nonsmoker. Smoking two cigarettes can make you addicted to smoking. Your cilia get damaged by chronic smoking. The pseudstratified ciliated epithelium is eventually replaced by stratified squamous epithelim in case of the chronic smokers. Such type of change is called as metaplasia. If you stop the smoking the original epithelium is resumed eventually.

Who is affected most by smoking men or women?

Women seem to be somewhat more susceptible to smoking-related problems than men, but the difference is not great.