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Q: How have the unicorns been affected by having to live in the subway?
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Related questions

When was unicorns spotted?

Unicorns have never been seen. They are not real and never have been.

Are unicorns still around?

Unicorns are fictitious, they were never around.Unicorns are now and have always been a myth.

Where abouts have Unicorns been sighted?

Unicorns are not real and have only existed in books and stories. They will never be found on earth.

Where can we find unicorns?

Unicorns are not real. Never have been. You will find them in stories, legends, stuffed animals, and collectible figures.

Did unicorns really live or not?

Not unicorns per se, though some have speculated that the legends of unicorns may have been inspired by now extinct species of deer or rhinoceros relatives.

Can you breed a unicorn with a unicorn and still get a unicorn?

Yes but first you need to get two unicorns Unicorns are now and have always been a myth.

Does pegasuses and unicorns exist?

In theory, it is possible they exist, but they have never been discovered, so as far as we know, pegasus and unicorns don't exist.

Are unicorns imaginary animals from Medieval Times?

Unicorns have been around for a long time, so they were around in medieval times, but no, they were not and are not just imaginary.

Are unicorns afraid of curly fries?

It is unknown. The most common Unicorns from European Folklore predated Curly Fries by several hundred years, and there have been as of yet no recorded interactions between Unicorns or Curly Fries.

Where in the us can you find the most unicorns?

The most unicorns can be found in Immokalee, Florida. There are so many unicorns here that you can often see them on every corner. The main street has even been renamed to "Unicorn Ave."

How do you know a unicorn has been in your freezer?

Unicorns are mythical creatures. There hasn't been one in your freezer.

Do unicorns and pegasus love each other?

If you didn't know unicorns and pegusus's are not real. But if you are talking about in stories they have never actually been but together but maybe if you did then they would. :-)