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i can't give you an exact weight, but its honestly fibreglass isn't heavy in comparison to a plaster cast.

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Q: How heavy is a fibreglass cast below the knee to your toes?
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First, the knee by itself cannot be put into a cast. Casting an arm won't help a leg, since the tibia is the inner and larger bone between the knee and the ankle. So the cast must go from above the knee to below the ankle.

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You cant get a cast on your knee

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The tibia is the strongest bone below the knee.

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The smaller outer leg bone below the knee is called the Tibia.

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your thigh is the part above the knee the leg part is below the knee hope I helped

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your thigh is the part above the knee the leg part is below the knee hope I helped

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I do not think there are shorts that go below the knee u are better of getting caprees from justice or something