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A high fever may cause delirium because the high temperatures interfere with our body's metabolic processes of the body, and of course, in brain regions where neurochemical reactions occur, making the person lose focus and delires

NOTE 1: I hope you can forgive my english, i'm form Brazil.

NOTE 2: This answear is what i heard about...but i'm sure it's right!

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Q: How high fever causes delirium?
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How do you use delirium in a sententce?

Due to his high fever, Johnny's delirium persisted all night long.

Is delirium a symptom of swine flu?

It could be if you have a high fever with it, or sometimes dehydration can cause similar symptoms. Anyone exhibiting delirium needs to get immediate urgent medical care.

What is acute condition caused by a high fever that is characterized by confusion disorientation disordered thinking agitation and hallucinations is known as?

This may be a sign of Heat Stroke, or Heat Exhaustion. Delirium

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No. Anemia does not causes high fever. High fever may cause anemia like in malaria.

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What does the word delirium stand for?

Delirium means sever confusion. It can be caused by fever, medication, shock, some illnesses, drugs or alcohol. Another word for delirium is raving or ecstasy.

What is Pyrrexhia?

known as trench fever where causes pains to the shins high fever and illness

What were the symptumesof the black death?

These aren't all of them just a few: a very high fever delirium vomiting muscular pains lungs bleed strong urge to sleep

Does high fever cause hallucinations?

Because a fever affects the nervous system. It makes the body heat up as high as It can to get rid of what's making it sick and that can affect the senses, which makes u see, smell, or hear things

What is a calenture?

A calenture is a form of heat stroke or fever often suffered in the tropics, or a delirium occurring from such symptoms.

How does typhoid fever affect your daily life?

While sick with typhoid fever, people suffer from high fevers that can cause delirium. They may develop rose spotted rashes, diarrhea, headaches, and perforations in the intestines. Antibiotics are able to treat the disease and carriers should not work with food to prevent the spreading of typhoid fever.

What are the effects of the black plague on an individual?

Effects of this plague at the onset was high fever and restlessness, then staggering delirium, shock and coma. The skin would have developed black spots about the third day, thus the name.