

How humans affect the balance of nature?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How humans affect the balance of nature?
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How does man's activies affect the balance of nature?

Man's activities may affect the balance of nature positively or negatively. If human beings are careless, their activities end up endangering natural habitats and the weather patterns.

How do humans affect the cycles in nature?

Humans affect the cycles by performing certain activites. They cut down trees, pollute water bodies.

How do humans affect selection What role does nature play?

determines who lives and who dies

Who is responsible for maintaining the balance of nature?

Every living thing, from the frailest insect to the mightiest tree, from the smallest minnow to the largest whale. However, we humans have the power to completely destroy the balance of nature through our actions.

How do humans affect artificial selection?

Humans directly affect artificial selection. They do this by selecting the specific traits that they prefer which they cannot don in a natural selection.

Environment problems affect people's health?

Of course they do. We live in a natural balance with all of nature and if there's a disharmony in one part of nature this balance becomes unbalanced and affects every other organism on Earth.

How can earthquakes affect the natural process of erosion?

it's a biggest loss whole for everyone. it disturb the nature balance

What allowed humans to take over the world and throw us out of balance with nature?

I think we are being taken over by the roman empire

Can humans and nature coexist?

Humans and nature could coexist, but in order to coexist indefinitely humans would have to treat the environment responsibly, like a caretaker. Humans cannot act irresponsibly, like polluting the environment with chemicals, having nuclear power plant meltdowns, clear cutting rain forests, putting chemicals in the air, etc. and expect the delicate balance of nature to last indefinitely.

How can you help to maintain the balance of the nature?

Internal harmony and internal balance are believed to be required to maintain peace, and harmony and balance in nature. This is sometimes referred to as World Balance or World Harmony.