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You just need a meter that measure Hertz (high and low) as well as db (volume)

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Q: How i can measure sound frequency from sound level meter?
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Related questions

What do you use to measure decibels?

You measure the sound pressure with a sound pressure level meter (SPL meter).

How do you make something to measure sound?

A microphone and a meter. A sound pressure level meter.

What do you use to measure how loud sound is?

Take a sound pressure level meter (SPL meter). Try to measure the sound pressure p.

How are decibel measure?

Sound is measured in decibels by a sound pressure level meter (SPL-meter).

How do you measure loud sounds?

Take a sound pressure level meter (SPL meter). Try to measure the sound pressure p.

What unit is used to express the intensity of sound?


What is the gadget to measure sound volume?

The volume of a sound is measured by the sound pressure in pascals or newtons per square meter. The sound pressure level is measured by a sound pressure level meter (SPL meter).

How can you measure sound without a decibel meter?

The decibel meter is better known as a sound level meter. You can measure sound by a microphone and a vu meter, a peak meter, or a AC voltage meter. The reading given by such a meter does not correlate well to human-perceived loudness.

What is s sound level meter used for?

To measure how noisy something is.

What instrument measures the amplitude of sound on a mobile?

A frequency meter is the instrument that is used to measure the amplitude of sound. It reads the energy from a sound wave.

What is the decible means?

A decibel meter is a device used to measure sound. Specifically, it measures sound pressure level, and is also known as a sound level meter.

What unit is used to measure volume in science and how loud is it?

Take a sound pressure level meter (SPL meter). Try to measure the sound pressure p in pascals or in decibels.