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They are similar. However, some critics consider that the first is usually based in social situations, mishaps and language misunderstandings while the second is based on personalized situations and inventive outcomes from harmful situations. Also it has been written that while the first is more developed on a plot, the second is built on a short and sudden situation.

There is nothing wrong in discussing the differences between cultures, this is not racist.

We should celebrate the cultural and physical differences of the human race, not deceive ourselves that we are all the same as the politically correct morons would wish.

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Q: How is American sense of humor different from Asian sense of humor?
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How is American sense of humor different from British sense of humor?

Some aspects are however British comedy is often thought of though as more whitty

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Odd sense of humor; peculiar sense of humor. It is means you have a different sense of humor than most people and when people say this, they mean it as a good thing.

Can you not have at sense of Humor by not Laughing at Funny People or TV Shows?

no, you probably have a different or mild sense of humor : )

What personality type describes humor?

Humorous? Everyone has a different sense of humor.

Did vikings have a sense of humor?

Did Vikings Have A Sense Of Humor?No Viking Had No Sense Of Humor What So Ever.ignore the people above, vikings were normal people just like you and me except that they live in a different time period so of course they had a sense of humor.

What does sense of humor?

although your question is worded oddly, i'm going to take it you mean what IS sense of humor? if so it is the ability to recognize a joke, and/or to make a joke. everyone has a different sense of humor.

Why people with sense of humor are interesting?

People with a sense of humor tend to see the world from a different point of view. Though this is only part of having a sense of humor, this alone can make them "interesting."

What does a widower from the UK have to bring to America to marry an American?

A sense of humor.

What is the meaning of sense of humor in tagalog?

what is sense of humor

How can people with a sense of humor laugh longer than the people without a sense of humor?

Because they have a sense of humor retard

How is Asian sense of humor?

Asians really aren't different from other people, it all depends on how they are raised. They are from Asian families so they will most likely have different experiences. I'm Chinese and I think lots of asians are very cool and smart, but not all the time. Sometimes they are raised like normal American families so you never know, just don't judge when you see them, and get to know them. They are normal people, just like you!

Do plants have a sense of humor?

Plants have no sense of humor. this is find in {