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Energy is transferred by Gravity(-meMsG/r + mecV)) and Electricity (qeQszc/4pi r).

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Q: How is Energy is transferred from the sun to the earth via outer space?
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Earth loses heat energy to outer space mainly by?

Earth loses heat energy to outer space mainly by radiation.

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When earth cools most of the energy transferred from earth's surface to space is transferred by the process?


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The primary method of energy transfer by which Earth loses energy to outer space is?

Earth loses energy to outer space through radiation.

What does 'energy transferred' mean?

Energy can be transferred from one location to another as in the sun's energy travels through space to Earth. The two ways that energy can be transferred are by doing work and heat transfer. Also energy can be transferred from one object to another.

How has energy transferred through the void of space?

Energy is transferred through space by radiation.

How is energy transferred when one object does work another?

Energy can be transferred from one location to another, as in the sun's energy travels through space to Earth. The two ways that energy can be transferred are by doing work and heat transfer.

Why is ultrasonic not how energy is transferred from the sun to the earth?

Sound can not propagate through empty space. The space between Sun and Earth is empty for all practical purposes.

Why is outer space cold?

because the sun faces the earth while the earth is being hot Outer space is neither hot nor cold. Temperature measures the energy of atomic particles. Sense there is no atomic particles in the vacuum of outer space there is no temperature.

Energy can be transferred through empty space by?

Energy can be transferred through empty space by radiation. Joule is the SI unit of energy.

How energy transferred through matter?

energy is transferred through matter or space by