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Q: How is Georgia's executive branch organized?
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Washington organized the Executive Branch in departments called his ............?


How was the government organized under the Constitution?

legislative executive and judicial branch

How is the government organized?

the government has 3 branches, the legislative branch, the judicial branch and the executive branch. That is actually the us government.

How did the state constitution organize the state?

they organized it by judicial, executive, and legislative branch

How did the state constitution organize the government?

they organized it by judicial, executive, and legislative branch

Which action explains how President Washington organized the executive branch?

he created a cabinet by selecting a team of advisors

How did the state constitution organize their governments?

They organize their governments by 3 the branches

Which branch of government is most of the federal bureaucracy found in?


What branch of government is the president chief of?

The president is chief of the executive branch of government.

Which branch appoints judges and cabinet members?

The Executive Branch.

The president is part of what branch of government?

The President is chief executive officer of the Executive Branch.

What branch of government enforces laws?

executive branch