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The tides are primarily caused by the gravitational pull of the moon

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10y ago

The high tide is caused by the interaction of the moon and its gravity on the ocean. As the moon moves around the Earth the ocean bulges when the gravitation field is strongest.

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What is lunar pull?

It is he Gravitational pull from the moon...This also causes high tide and low tide.

How does a wave move?

The Moon's gravitational pull causes the waves to move between high and low tide.

Why do tides occour?

the moons gravitational pull causes the tides. high tide and low tide. Also each tide occurs twice each day

What are low high tides?

The gravitational pull of the moon pulls the ocean up on the shore this is called high tide and when the moon releases the gravitational pull it is called the low tide

What causes a tide to occur?

The gravitational pull of the moon on the Earth's oceans.

What causes low tides?

The moon's gravitational pull.The tides occur because of the gravitational pull of the the moon on the major bodies of water. Low tide occurs where the gravitational pull of the moon is lowest, on the opposite side of Earth from where the moon is directly overhead, which is where high tide occurs.

What causes spring tide and neap tides?

The gravitational pull by the moon and the sun.

Why is high tide and low tide happened?

because the seawater reacts to the gravitational pull of the moon.

What cause of tides?

The gravitational pull of the moon is the cause of high tide.

How are high tide and low tide alike?

They are Both created by the moons gravitational pull on the earth

How do you determine tidal range?

tidal range is the distance of the high tide and low tide.

Which type of tide is created when the Sun's gravitational pull on Earth is at its least?

Neap tide