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Hybrids are more enviromental healthy....I think.

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Q: How is a hybrid better than a regular car?
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Related questions

Why is it better to buy a hybrid car than a regular car?

There are many reasons why hybrid cars are better than regular cars. One reason is that hybrid cars get better gas mileage than regular vehicles. Another reason is that hybrid cars help protect the environment.

What is the difference between hybrid and regular cars?

A regular car is a car than rans on gasoline. But a hybrid car is a car that rans on gasoline and battery.

How efficient is hybrid car fuel?

Hybrid cars get better gas mileage than regular cars. Also, the great thing about the hybrid car is that you do not necessarily need to use fuel to drive a hybrid car, which will help you save money on gas.

How is a hybrid car better than a regular car?

They are far from "better" in some areas. They do save about 10% on gas over a similar sized auto. They are not cheaper to operate.

What makes a hybrid better than an electric car?

If you are looking for more information on what makes a hybrid better than an electric car, the best place to look for your information is on

Are hybrid cars better than a non hybrid car?

It depends what you mean by better. Performance wise, certainly not. Fuel economy, slightly so. Price, no.

What is the different between hybrid car and car?

The difference is that a hybrid car has an engine that can run on gasoline OR the battery. The regular car only runs on gas.

What is a hybrid car what kind of gas do they use?

A hybrid car is a car that runs on battery and gas. It uses standard unleaded regular gas.

Ease of caring for a hybrid car engine?

Hybrid cars are actually no harder to maintain than a regular car. Everything is about the same. The only difference is you will be making trips to change your oil less often, which I am sure you will love.

Are hybrid cars more fuel efficient?

It depends on the type of Hybrid. A Hybrid HUMVEE for example still gets poor gas milage compared to a regular non-hybrid Honda Civic. However, a hybrid version of ANY car will be more fuel efficient than their non-hybrid types. It just depends on each individual car's ability.

Is a hybrid better than a hydrogen powered car?

it depend on what is your stand point. if you are upper class , hydrogen is the solution, anything lower, hybrid. Hydrogens cost anywhere from $60,000 to $1,000,000, depending on the car.

How much power does a hybrid car have, and what is it compared to a regular car?

Some hybrid cars have just as much power as regular cars. They use gasoline for power when it is needed, or the electric component can produce enough power.