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It has a similar shape, structure, chambers and valves.

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Q: How is a sheep heart similar to our heart?
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How many valves are in a sheep's heart?

There are 2 valves in a sheep's heart. They are the mitral and tricuspid valve. The sheep also has a 4 chamber heart that is very similar to a human heart.

What are the similarities between the human heart and sheep heart?

Because their circulatory system is very similar to ours. Also, the size of our hearts are very close.

How is a fetal pig and sheep heart similar?

If you look at the back wall of a fetal pig heart, you will see a vessel that is large in size in a sheep compared to the small size of the fetal pig heart. In sheep, the hemiazygous vein develops a connection to the heart through what becomes the superior vena cava.

What is similar about a heart and lungs of a sheep to the heart and lungs of a human?

The heart of a sheep is bigger than humans and is positioned slightly differently in the body. Also, instead of having pulmonary arteries and veins they have what's called a pulmonary trunk and the top middle of the heart.

How many chambers does a sheep heart have?

A sheep heart has four chambers.

Which sheep would be most genetically similar to sheep D?

Sheep A

Why do we use sheep's heart for the examination?

As it is similar in structure to human hearts and they are readily available whereas most humans are buried with their hearts.

How are sheep and paramecia cell alike and diffrent?

it is very similar because of the sheep

Do sheep and goats make the same noise?

no, it is very similar though. Every goat and sheep is different,but the noise centers into a "goat sounding" or "sheep sounding" noise witch are similar.

How do the sheep valves compare with their human counterparts?

Although sheep and human organs are similar in number, name, and structure, the organs found in sheep are smaller and somewhat different than those of their human counterparts. In spite of the similarities, one cannot exchange organs between the two species.

Why is there so much fat associated with a sheep heart?

There is a lot of fat associated with a sheep heart for a few reasons. One reason is that these animals do not move much.

Which side of the sheep heart is thicker?

left side