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dgfxfdhmtyhjnrujytrju dgfxfdhmtyhjnrujytrju Hmm, I'm not sure those 2 are really answers...

The "wound culture" is a fairly common laboratory test ordered when a physician, PA, or NP wants to know: 1.) exactly what microorganism is causing a wound infection and 2.) exactly what anti-microbial drug to to treat the infection.

Most commonly, a nurse or doctor will use a sterile swab to collect material from the wound. The swab is sent to the laboratory to be "plated." This simply means a medical technologist will drag the swab over a variety of "growth media" (petri dishes with firm, jelly like material and nutrients in them) and then incubate the petri dishes at controlled temperatures and gas concentrations.

It takes a highly trained person to look at one of these petri dishes after it has been incubated to tell if there are any pathogens growing (pathogens are microorganisms that can cause disease or infection.) Once the medical technologist finds suspicious colonies growing (colonies are millions of bacteria piled up on the petri dish that look like small dots - and can be many different colors) they do a gram stain test, biochemical testing, and an antibiotic test to determine what the organism is and how best to treat it. You can think of it like microbiology detective work.

Many times bacteria are found, but fungi can also be found!

In most cases, the bacteria and antibiotic susceptibility profile will be complete in 2-3 days. Fungi and "acid-fast" bacteria like the Tuberculosis bacilli, can take much longer 7 days to months!

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A sample of material, such as pus or a portion of tissue, is taken from the wound, placed in a sterile container, and sent to the laboratory. In the laboratory, this material is spread over the surface of several different types of culture plates.

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