

How is an electromagnet wave generated?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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We produce electric field and magnetic field. If we change the electric field with time (so magnetic field alse change), required frequency, then we produce electromagnetic wave.

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Q: How is an electromagnet wave generated?
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What does Electronmagnetic wave means?

An electromagnetic wave is a wave that is generated by the power of electric and magnetic fields.

What is difference between of Electromagnet and Electric Magnetic Field?

An electromagnet is a magnet that only generates magnetic forces when electricity is running through it, basically a magnet that can be turned on and off. An electromagnetic field is the magnetic force generated when an electromagnet is used.

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Sound wave is is generated by a vibrating object.Whereas, seismic wave is the vibration generated by an earthquake or explosion.

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the length of a wave generated by a complete vibration or time period